Balloons, M&Ms and Sunglasses

By Hannah Steffey

The Lord DELIGHTS in you.

Today, with my son, I felt the Holy Spirit….” This is how the Lord delights in you. He enjoys saying, “yes.”

Austin and I took our youngest, River, to the grocery store today. He really, really did not want to go. Usually, going to the store is a highlight of his week (we don’t get out much, lol). But this time he got in the car, cried and threw a fit “I don’t wanna go!” over and over. 

Now, we can probably blame this on needing a nap or on being three. We corrected the behavior but also tried to have some empathy for those big feelings and pitiful tears. So I carried him around the store, or he rode on Daddy’s shoulders.

I had gotten my other two kids Oreos and goldfish as their requested junk food item. When River saw M&Ms and asked for them. We said yes because well….I said yes to the other two. We limit this type of food but it’s ok sometimes.

A little later, in the produce section, he saw a balloon and sweetly asked for it. I looked at Austin and said, “Do we want to get him that?” He said, “Sure, why not?” So, I let him pick out one. His big smile was worth it since he had been so distraught to come.

Then we were at the checkout line. He had been put down for the first time. He saw the kid’s sunglasses he wanted. I initially said, “No, buddy, we can’t get those. We’ve already got a balloon and candy.” He was okay with that answer. But then I thought, “You know he could actually use those instead of wearing his sisters. And they didn’t cost much, so I bought him two sunglasses that he wanted.

I initially said, “no buddy we can’t get those. We’ve already got a balloon and candy.” He was fine with that answer. But then I thought….you know he could actually use those instead of wearing his sisters. And they didn’t cost much so I bought him two.

I know people say, “Don’t spoil your children,” and I understand the sentiment (eh, maybe I don’t). But, I delight in them. I enjoy saying yes!!!!! I was in a better mood than him, just truly enjoying his age and the simple joy in his eyes because of a balloon. 

So often, as parents, we have to say no, correct, and discipline. I enjoy saying yes! Do we do this every time we go? Nope. Is there a lesson to be learned that you can’t go in a store and buy anything you want? Sure. Sometimes, the money is not there, or the ask is not appropriate. Yep. 
But today, I just wanted to delight and lavish on my baby boy in a simple way. 

I leaned down to love on him, and he smiled so big and said, “I love you, mommy.” Not because of the stuff but because of the love. And I heard in my spirit, “This is like how the Lord delights in you.”

Nothing has changed my view of God quite like being a parent has. To love a child so deeply and realize it’s only a fraction of how much God loves us. It’s unthinkable. But the Lord delights in us. 

God spoke three (3) things to me from our little grocery run.

1. He delights in us the way I do my children (but way more). This is really hard for me to grasp, so I think that’s why He used my deep love and joy for my own kids to drive this home. Maybe you also have trouble believing (letting it take root in your soul) that God delights in you.

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV) “The Lord your God …will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Boy doesn’t that sound like a mother and a young child). “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” ‭‭

Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And Micah 7:18(NLT) states, “He delights in mercy and in showing unfailing love.”

Psalm 147:11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

2. God enjoys saying, “Yes.”

Does He say no or wait? 100%. We should thank Him for that. It’s for our good. But He delights in saying, “Yes!”

Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” ‭‭‬‬ (See that reverse delight?) goes both ways. If you are like me, you might feel guilty for asking for certain things or desiring them. Like it’s a trivial matter and God has more important things to worry about. Or when I’ve gotten myself into my own mess, I hate to ask God to help me out of it. I feel like He shouldn’t.

I looked at a friend this week when feeling that way and said….but that’s not who He is, is it? He WANTS us to come to him. The way I want my children to come to me when they are crushed. HE IS ON MY (YOUR) SIDE. He is not a deity that sits on a throne watching our fate play out. He is a living God that is constantly trying to love us.

3. Sometimes when we go places we don’t want to go, that’s where the blessing is.

I have definitely thrown bigger fits than River with not wanting to do or be where God has directed me. Like many times. “I don’t wanna go! I wanna stay home!” I feel that little man. Mommy wants to stay home too. Lol But God is always right. He is always working for our good and He knows that on the other side of whatever it is we are resisting….there are great blessings He wants to lavish on us. ….

or maybe just balloons, m&ms, and sunglasses 😎

Hannah Steffey lives with her family, husband, Austin (aka The Refrigerator as Cody Jones so lovingly calls him) and her 3 children. Brinn, So-So and River.

Hannah is a Wife, Mother, and Nurse Practioner, but more that all those “titles” and “roles” she is a servant of Jesus!

I love her outlook on life and how the smallest things brings a powerful message. I am so proud to have her on our Confessions Blogging Team.

We do not have the words to express how loving and faithful our God is. He is…well Indescribable.

One thought on “Balloons, M&Ms and Sunglasses

  1. I loved this Wendy! What she wrote was so balanced. Great perspective! Thanks for always sharing with me…… a lot of times I need to stop & receive ❤️😊


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