Blue Man – Not a fan!

Have you ever wanted to do something, and then, when you do get to do it, it is not what you thought it was? I think we all have—probably me more than most! I go into most things thinking, “If I am this excited about doing this, then it is going to be better than I can ever even think it could be!”


You have to remember how I was raised. Almost everything we did was church-related, evangelistic, or Bible-related. I tend to go into everything with that thought process! For instance, we may stop at a zoo or maybe some hidden caverns on the way to a revival meeting. Most of the time, we were on the way to a service somewhere! It was a rare day that we were not in church. I was not “worldly aware.”  I was very (very) sheltered from the world as a kid.


George and I went to a pharmacy convention in Las Vegas. Gambling is not our thing, but we love to go out to eat and catch some of the live shows in the evenings after he was finished on the trade show floor. 

We saw The Phantom of the Opera on two separate occasions, and it was so good that we are still talking about it. I wanted to see Wayne Brady (the comedian; at the time, he was very clean and family-oriented, but I’m not sure about his reputation now). George got us a pass so we could talk to him and took a picture. We saw Cirque du Soleil shows that were full of grandeur and awe. 

Then George got a bright idea!

Let’s go see the “Blue Man Group,” he said. “It will be fun,” he said! Everyone was talking about it, and I thought, “Why not! That sounds like fun,” and I was excited. Granted, I had no idea what it was!!!!

I should have known that something was up when we walked in. They asked us where our seats were because the first four rows needed raincoats—you know so that they wouldn’t get paint on their clothes! I looked at George pretty wild-eyed, and he assured me he booked the fifth or sixth row, so we were safe.

The show got underway. They were hitting drums and glowing; fluorescent paint was flying everywhere. Good thing the front rows had the raincoats on. About 20 TV screens were playing different things simultaneously on a larger screen. There was so much going on, and it felt so chaotic that I was nervous, I mean, really nervous. After some super cool technical stuff, out came these blue men who looked like they could kill someone for looking the wrong way. They were on the stage, so I felt a little safer.


Out of nowhere, dozens of these blue creatures were walking on the seats through the crowd. I was terrified! Honestly, I was almost in a full-blown panic attack (I know because I have experienced them before.) But then, I thought I could handle it as long as they were away from me. Wouldn’t you know, here came a gigantic blue man. He STOPPED on my seat and was looking at me in the eyes. Then, he stuck his tongue out and let out a tribal scream. The only thing I can say is, “Poor George!” I almost climbed in his lap. Of course, the blue man thought that was hilarious and, just for good measure, let out another long, screeching tribal scream! Looking back, I do not know if that second scream was him, me, or both of us! Finally, he had enough fun at my expense and moved on.

I was sweating and shaking, ready to leave and not look back. I was afraid that he would come back the way he went up, and I was not having it. I wanted to leave but was worried one or more of them would follow me out! So, I stayed until the end. I was not happy. However, George enjoyed himself a bit too much, because he got two shows for the price of one! 

As we went out, we had to go past all the “Blue Man Group” because they stopped to take pictures with anyone who wanted them to. I wanted to run past them! I looked over, and the giant blue man that had been on my seat (I knew it was him because of his crazy eyes) looked right at me, stuck his tongue out at me, and laughed. I about passed out…I did not like them at all!

George laughed at me said, “Honey, do you want to stop and get a picture with them?” If looks could kill, George would not have returned to WV! I DID NOT want to stop for any reason! 


Isn’t it just like humans wanting something that we have no idea what we are getting into. That is why we need to pray for the “will of God” in our everyday lives. We see in front of our faces. However, God sees it all through eternity. He is more qualified to direct our lives than we are.

We reach for unfamiliar things, hoping for the best. Maybe we are searching for the best house, car, boat, camper, truck…etc. Never counting the cost of overextending ourselves so much that we become a slave to a job. No time for your family to enjoy your toys. What about hoping for the perfect Mr. or Mrs Right and looking in all the wrong places to find them? Never asking God for direction. Most of the time, we ask God for things that we think will benefit our lives, but in reality, those things become a burden. WE want, WE want, WE want, We demand, WE go headlong into situations in which we have no business being in.

If we would just stop and ask the Father what He wants. I am not saying ANY of those things in and of themselves are wrong. What I AM saying is that when we do not ask the will of the Father, we get stuck. 

  1. Stuck with payments that we cannot reach.
  2. Stuck with a spouse who is abusive or a workaholic and you do not have a life together.
  3. Stuck with someone who does not share your values and morals because they are not serving the Lord. That is a hard yoke to put on yourself.

Suppose we would only stop and ask God what He wants. We must conclude that He knows what is best for us. As Pastor Jay said in one of his Discover Discipleship books, “We have to make up our minds that Jesus is always right.” He cares about us and wants the best possible outcomes in our lives here on earth. 

  • Should I buy this? 
  • Should I go out with this person? 
  • Should I take this promotion? 
  • Should I change jobs? 

I am talking about everything we do in life, and we should ask God first. All this is just temporary, but we have to prepare for the eternal. That includes asking God’s will for our lives because He is eternal, and His plans for us are infinite. 

My dad, bless his heart, could not sing at all. I am talking about hitting the kind of notes that do not exist (thankfully! lol), but he would often come through the hall singing this line of an old hymn, “This world is not my home; I am only passing through.” That’s it. That is all he knew, and that is all he needed to know! I only understood the implications of this line once I got older. 

He would say things I found strange. He would say, “I am just a wayward stranger in this world.” This life is temporary, so I am not getting comfortable here. I am preparing for my real home.” 

One of the most profound things he said to me was when he was very sick and was bedfast. He couldn’t eat because of his rare condition. He had been a very active man, now inactive in a bed he couldn’t get out of. I remember feeling so bad for him. My strong, self-sufficient, proud (not in a wrong way) dad was now frail, relying on his family to help him, and he was stripped of any pride he had. His family was upset. He wasn’t. He never questioned this rare disease. He never questioned God and never had a “woe is me” mentality. He didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. He looked at me one day, near the end of his life, and said, “Wen, I have worked for this all of my life. Why are you all trying to take it from me (by being sad)?” That hit me hard. I don’t think I shed another tear for him. He felt sorry for us having to stay here (on earth). 

So before you go about your life doing what you want, ask God what you need!

As we prepare our hearts for prayer, listen to this worship song. Get alone. Get on your knees before the King and worship, putting yourself in a position to hear from the Lord.

PRAY THIS WITH ME TODAY (in your own words)


I come before You today just to thank You for all You have done to prepare me for eternity. Lord, I am asking You to guide each step I take here on earth. Teach me to listen to Your voice. Teach me Your way, and I will set my will and wants aside and follow you. I want to hear You.

I am asking that You remove anything in my life that is not ordained by You and replace it with what You have for me. I am so grateful that You see more than I do. I am thankful that You are eternal and are preparing me for eternity.

You are a good, good Father.

Teach me to hear You. Speak to me often so I am familiar with Your voice, which will be louder in my life than my own. Teach me Your ways, so the more I walk in Your ways, the less I will make things about myself.

Thank You for Your mercies, blessings, and unconditional love. Help me to be more like You and take who I am away so I can be the person You have created me to be.



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