If Only You Could See What I Saw

Some things you see, you cannot “unsee!” Those moments when you say something to the sort of, “Oh my eyes! They are bleeding!” Those moments! Have you ever had that happen?

I have had quite a few of those moments in my church and ministry life, but the one I am sharing takes the cake on anything I have ever witnessed!

If you are easily offended, you may want to skip this one. I have even debated sharing, but two of my very good friends/mentors have encouraged me to share. So, you can blame Phylis Toney and Brenda Phillips for this one! 

To this day, when I think about it, I laugh so much! So, let’s just laugh together!


Growing up, we traveled for revival meetings in many different places and venues. This particular “sighting” took place in Maryland. 

The hall was reasonably large. I remember the stage was high. The bathrooms, for whatever reason, were on each side of the stage. The Women’s bathrooms were on the right, and Men’s were on the left. So everyone using them had to go up to the front past the platform to use them.

Being on stage, I saw everything! People would just come and go all through the service. Kids crying and parents taking them to the bathroom. Babies fussing, so they took them to the bathroom to change their diapers. So I was surprised when I noticed something so funny I busted out laughing.

I was singing front and center on this very high stage. Suddenly I saw a large woman “run” to the bathroom. I just kept singing until…

This lady comes out of the bathroom with her praise on! She was worshipping and began running the side aisle with her skirt hiked up, but wait, that wasn’t all! I looked (yes, I am still singing/laughing but somewhat composed), and she had toilet paper not stuck on her shoe; no, she had it tucked in her skirt, and the WHOLE ROLL was coming out of the bathroom with her! I lost my mind!

Thankfully she had a friend come to her rescue. This friend discreetly pulled the toilet paper off and put her skirt in its rightful place! This was a sight to see!!! 

Now, at this point, I cannot even pretend to sing. I looked away and just cackled. Thankfully I had moved to the side of the stage while the musicians kept playing to regain my composure. Someone in the audience saw me and thought that the “spirit” had “come upon me,” and they came running on the stage to “pray over me!” Which made me laugh even more. I could not catch my breath and laughed hard; this was the last straw! I had to get off the stage.

I left the platform, and guess where I went – yep, to the bathroom! 


Before you judge me too harshly, you had to be there to see it with your own eyes! I am easily amused anyway, so this was a no-brainer for me to find it funny!

We all have those moments when we are the lady coming out of the bathroom. Thinking we have it all together and proceed as if nothing is wrong. We do not even notice that we are in a situation that exposes us and suddenly we are exposed for the world to see, but we keep walking as if nothing is wrong. We are in a false state of security. We are vulnerable and do not realize it until someone has the love to kindly help us by letting us know we are exposed and we need to fix some things in our lives. But, you know what? We still have to keep praising! We still have to keep going and let a friend, mentor, or someone we trust help us through the tough times. 

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

What is a true friend? I found this and thought it would be a good time to share this.

A true friend shows love, no matter what (Proverbs 17:17).
A true friend gives heartfelt advice, bringing joy to the heart (Proverbs 27:9).
A true friend rebukes when necessary, but the correction is done in love (Proverbs 27:5–6).
A true friend influences, enlivens, and sharpens (Proverbs 27:17).
A true friend avoids gossip (Proverbs 16:28).
A true friend forgives and does not hold grudges (Proverbs 17:9).
A true friend is loyal (Proverbs 18:24).
A true friend helps in time of need (Ecclesiastes 4:9–12).

Have you ever been vulnerable and had a friend come to your rescue?

Let me add this: If you do not have a friend that has your back physically and spiritually, you need new friends. To be honest, you need friends, with your permission, to step in when needed. They have your best interests at heart. To know when to move in, cover you with prayer, and defend you against others trying to tear you down. Who do you have in your life that will do this for you? Be there for you? That will defend and protect you?

Listen we all become vulnerable at some point in our lives. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Even David was vulnerable, but he turned to the Lord. In reading this passage, David had people around him that would worship with him. He said, “Glorify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together!”

Psalm 34:1-4 (NIV) I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice; Glorify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together.I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

As we get ready to pray, listen, and worship. Get alone and bask in the Goodness of the Lord. Ask Him to show you your vulnerabilities and send someone that will be a Godly friend that you can trust to have your back and protect you.  Know that regardless of where we are in live, Jesus is still worthy! He deserves our heart and the best part of us! RAISE A HALLELUJAH!

PRAY THIS WITH ME TODAY (in your own words)


Help me to be vulnerable with you. Let you in every part of my life. I ask that You send people in my life I can trust. People that love You. People that will pray over me. Help me to listen to those that are put in my life to trust when my faith is weak.

I want to hear You when you speak. I want to know when You are near. I want to praise you in the middle of the storm and not just when things are good.

I love You with my whole heart. I trust you with my life. I want You near.

In Jesus Name


16 thoughts on “If Only You Could See What I Saw

  1. I really love how you turned this story around to make your point.
    It’s so right on that we all need a true friend through life to have our backs and believe in us.
    Blessings to you❤️❤️❤️


    • Well we all need each other. I say often, “You cannot trust everyone, but you have to trust someone!” We are not meant to go through life alone! I need those friends that will say, “Check your nose” or “Are you really going to wear that!” lol


  2. I love this. We all need those people/friends who have our back. I truly feel God sends them to us. We just need to return the kindness and love to keep them.


  3. Love this and I love the point of us always thinking we have things together when we really don’t. And when it’s brought to us like it was this lady you differently learn a lesson. I know I have. Thank you Wendy for this Confession family I look forward to it every day even though I don’t respond a lot I love it.


  4. Really enjoyed this story and what stands out to me is we make think everything in our life is ok when it’s really not… that some people may see something wrong that we don’t….(but that’s where you choose your friends Wisely!!!) that when they point out a flaw you can trust they know what they’re talking about and it will Help You and Not Hurt You…


  5. Wendy, I absolutely LOVE this!!! I also have a great Love for Mrs. Phyllis Toney that goes all the way back to January 1976 when we first moved to West Virginia! And Galtians 6:2 is the basis for my personal theology which I’ve come to refer to as the Doctrine of the Hole. Each of us as God’s children when we leave this miserable world will leave a hole and the size of that hole is directly proportioned to the number of lives we touch for the Lord, the number of people we help along the way and the number of souls we point towards Heaven. I aspire to be like our dads, men who, when the Lord called them home they left HUGE holes because they touched so many lives while they were here. Awesome post!!!


  6. Thank you for your faithfulness I enjoyed reading this and yes it is true we need a true friend but we also need each other the best friend I have is Jesus Amen


  7. Wendy, I remember those old days very well and some of the things we saw we couldn’t help but laugh about, even though we really shouldn’t have. Like the time my folks went a revival at some church I’d never been to and Dad said when the offering plate got to the guy right beside him Dad watched him put in a five dollar bill and take out change for a twenty, seriously!!! There’s been many times when I wished I’d had a friend who would nudge me when I needed it, thankfully I have a couple of good church buddies now who would gladly do that for me and truly Love them for it. Awesome post!!!


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